
Marching Band
Founded in 2003, the Siegel High School Marching Band has consistently delivered superior performances at marching events both locally and regionally. In addition to marching field shows, the band also is a regular participant in parades and community events in and around the Murfreesboro area. The marching band performs at all Siegel home football games and many away football games where they contribute to the amazing community atmosphere that is “Siegel Nation”.

Wind Ensemble
The Siegel Wind Ensemble is a year long class offered to the most advanced student musicians in our program through audition only. Many members in this ensemble are actively participating in private lessons and audition for the MTSBOA mid-state bands and/or other honor band opportunities.

Symphonic Band
The Siegel Symphonic Band is a year long class designed to challenge the advancing high school musician. This course is available to all 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. Symphonic Band is a class that develops individual musicianship and more advanced ensemble rehearsal techniques. All students are encouraged to audition for the MTSBOA mid-state bands.

Concert Band
The Siegel Concert Band is a year long class designed to introduce students and new instrumentalists to the skills needed to be a successful high school band member. The course centers around a solid foundation in building fundamental skills, musicianship, and sight reading. All students are encouraged to audition for the MTSBOA mid-state bands.

Percussion Ensemble 1
Percussion Ensemble 1 is the top percussion ensemble at Siegel High School and performs intermediate to advanced percussion literature. All members are selected by audition.

Percussion Ensemble 2
Percussion Ensemble 2 is the beginning and intermediate level class which introduces fundamental concepts of all things percussion. All students are welcome to join this ensemble, no experience necessary.

Color Guard
The Siegel High School Color Guard functions as the visual representation of the marching band during the Fall Semester. The Color Guard performs with the Marching Band during all football games, parades, and competitions. The Color Guard is open to all students.

Winter Guard
The Siegel Winter Guard is an extension of the Fall Color Guard that rehearses 7th Period during the Spring Semester. The Winter Guard will give performances throughout the Spring Semester and competes in the SCGC and WGI circuits.

Jazz Band
The Siegel High School Jazz Band is an extra curricular ensemble open to all Siegel Band members by audition. All members are strongly encouraged to audition for the MTSBOA Mid State Jazz Band. The Jazz Band will perform a variety of jazz styles throughout the Winter/Spring. The group plays annually at the Murfreesboro Jazz Fest on “The Square” in Murfreesboro, TN.